3-26-24 Swanzey Conservation Commission Community Forum  6:30 pm at Whitcomb Hall

Swanzey’s Open Space Conservation Plan
Join the Conversation!

Swanzey—Residents are invited to discuss Swanzey’s natural resources and to offer input on future conservation planning at an upcoming community forum, Tuesday, March 26, 6:30 pm at Whitcomb Hall on Main Street. Please join us to share your concerns regarding Swanzey’s growth and natural resource protection, as well as wildlife experiences, favorite natural areas and recreational destinations.
Swanzey’s Open Space Plan is 20 years old, and the town is seeing a surge of development. Last year, the Swanzey Conservation Commission initiated the process of updating the Plan, which will articulate the Town’s vision for natural resource protection and land conservation in light of today’s development pressures. The Commission has contracted with Moosewood Ecological LLC of Chesterfield, NH to assist with this project, which includes biodiversity assessments and wetlands evaluations in preparation of the Plan. The project begun with a recently-completed assessment of Swanzey’s land use planning documents to understand how Swanzey’s town regulations protect critical natural resources. Ongoing community outreach and engagement is key for the overall success of the Open Space Conservation Plan. Join the conversation and be a productive part of this important process. Let’s explore Swanzey’s natural resources and open space planning!
For this first forum, Moosewood Ecological LLC will provide town participants with background on the project, as well as facilitate discussions regarding the strengths and challenges of growth and natural resources protection in Swanzey.   For more information on the community forum or other aspects of the Open Space Conservation Plan please contact Cheri Domina, Chair of the Swanzey Conservation Commission, at cheri.domina@gmail.com.


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