SWRPC Housing and Employer Surveys

Thanks for your help Southwest Regional Planning Commission

Household Survey:
Housing is a hot issue, and we know you have a story to tell! Please take our online survey to help us better understand the specifics of your current housing situation. Survey results will be part of our 2022 Regional Housing Needs Assessment, where we will be studying the issue of housing across the Region for all income levels. This survey will be open through May 31st.

Employer Survey:
According to recent media reports as well as anecdotal feedback we’ve received from some employers, the tight housing market in the Monadnock Region has affected the ability of some local businesses to recruit and retain workers. As part of Southwest Region Planning Commission’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment, we are reaching out to employers to better understand employer’s perceptions about the housing market and their ability to grow or sustain their business or organization. If you are an employer in the Region, please consider taking our employer survey so that we can better understand the specifics of your situation.  The survey will be open through May 17.

There is additional information on our main project webpage: www.swrpc.org/housing 


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